awareness, self love


My friend Jamie Catto once spoke about how we cut ourselves down to an appropriate nice presentable brochure version of ourselves throughout our lives. How we shamefully hide our insanities. And how uncomfortable that feels. When he clarified that we are actually all crazy and really good at hiding it, I felt fantastic. Such a relief. I started looking into my shadows and showing up in them, which was really the very first beginning of starting to relax into – me – including demons, the whole package. This process is ongoing.

Now, there is one particular subject i wish to touch on here. It’s the hair on a human’s body. As i see it, this is also a part where we -literally- cut ourselves down to an acceptable appropriate hairy version of ourselves. So, i started wondering.. what IS appropriate in hair-land and why? How ashamed are we of our natural hair, our nature? How much effort and painful nasty procedures do we undergo just to stay in this controlled, accepted, ‘hygienic’, decent shape? It’s obviously something to do with fashion and trend as well. Well if this is the trend, I think it’s showing us how far away we are from our nature and how the beliefs on beauty took over our basic feeling of what feels good and what feels bad.

I believed as a kid that shaving was coming from a perspective of caring and loving your body, because it was something I saw my mother do to herself over and over again, and she was feeling comfortable with it. But the more I looked at the subject in the last years, the more I started seeing the painful cramped sad raw aspect of it. It IS painful no matter how you put it, no matter what technique you use. We just got used to treating our bodies like that. Suffering for beauty.

The more I was aware on the subject, the more I saw irritated red skin around me. Where before I was repulsed by hairy women and men, I started feeling attracted to hairy versions of humans. I started to see the beauty of everyone’s personal hair-print. So I started the experiment almost a year ago, after shaving for 15 years: I stopped. It was such an intense experience, letting go of that image of myself with the ‘suitable amount of hair’. I went through feeling unattractive, gross, ugly, dirty. The awkward feeling of seeing your pubic hair stick out of your tiny sexy pants (no way this is sexy!). Wearing tights doesn’t work that well with hair sticking out. And the first few times I went out dancing – putting my arms in the air was bringing up feelings of insecurity, being the only hairy one in the room. Now I almost feel victorious when I do so. I feel sexy being ALL OF ME and I like to be an invitation to other women to just give it a try. It is such a HUGE relief. Because really, what is underneath this all is the acceptance of I am good the way I am.

For the ladies: you know how it feels when you swim in the ocean and the hair on your legs dries in the wind? The first time I felt that I was so amazed, feeling like a kid receiving a loving touch on my skin, letting it all in. You know how it feels when goosebumps make your hair rise all over your legs when someone touches you there? I love discovering how good it feels to be touched whilst being the hairy natural me. Feeling how enjoyable this is, clears the shame leftovers rapidly. I love having my hands in hair as well. I prefer it so so so much more over a shaved prickly skin. All of your body hairs are little feeling antenna’s. All of them.

Read this if you like to read something more about the health endangering consequences of shaving you genitals. HOORAY for the brave hairy ones (patting myself on the back).

A side note: I just shaved because I felt like giving that a try -a bit ironic- on the same day I wrote this post. I like experimenting to see if there are still beliefs somewhere in me & having no attachments or fixations to whatever state. No judgments to where anyone chooses to be. This is only an invitation to more awareness on the subject..


10 thoughts on “hairy

    • sandra says:

      😦 wow equality streets, was that judgement really necessary? after reading an article about how “conditioned” women are (and men too these days … are getting there) to do certain things to ‘keep up appearances’ in society!! A more apt comment would be ; Interesting to read your post about hairiness and i am so glad you had love and respect enough for yourself to give this perfect naturalness a try. well done and i really do hope more women do this soon.
      Quite frankly, this conditioning is to separate us from our inner wisdom. It is a form of control, just like how they shave the heads of those in the military to keep them under control. Just how they shaved the heads of native people for same purpose. Wake up!! seriously! Your fur is how your instinct reach you people. Your instinct help you to wake up!! It is choice. Be Informed. Read about whatt shaving your genitals does. read about what shaving your underarms does … allowing all the bacteria in and chemicals from antiperspirant …anyone wondering about breast cancer? dont get me started about bras!
      Look, for me to read your comment … ‘Im glad you shaved’ i just thought … “this is exactly why we need our hairs … to make sure we avoid ignorance like yours” honestly! so shallow.
      I am glad i am relationship with someone who can see beyond the tip of his nose!

  1. Love it! Thank you for doing this, I hope more women will eventually. 🙂 It takes soooo much time as well every day, if you want to keep it al smooth. Unfortunally there are some bizarre ideas about having hair as a woman. People seem to overrreact like I’ve never seen before!

  2. I’ve barely fucked with the follicles since I was about 7 months pregnant, and my kid is now 19 months old. At first it was a physical impracticality to defuzz (the belly boulder too obstructive), and since I’ve birthed the bairn the days/weeks/months/years fly by with too much else going on to think about razors.

    I’ve found the experience of going ‘feral’ to be rather liberating indeed, however I will say this – I’m a single mother, so the preferences of a partner haven’t been part of my equation. I feel liberated solo, but I can’t actually imagine getting naked with someone and feeling even close to comfortable in my current forest-like state…

    On a more theoretical level, I’ve wondered about the more subtle physiological consequences of hairlessness – as well as providing cushioning and protection, armpit and public hair are the body’s conductors of pheromones. If we’re ripping/plucking/shaving/whatevering, not to mention then applying all manner of deodorisers and products to said areas, are we sabotaging our biological function to attract suitable partners on this subtle level?

    Who knows, but I reckon I’ll stay fuzzy until the time comes to meet someone, and then I’ll navigate a compromise (trimming, anyone?)

  3. Sandra, I tolerate your preferences, so why are you intolerant of mine. I recognise my tastes might be due to conditioning, but I don’t apply them in a sexist manner, that’s to say, I’ve tried letting hair grow on my face, and it has a certain appeal (indeed it is a form of vanity), but after a while it gets annoying or itchy, so I get rid of it. I find it quicker and cleaner to keep clean-shaven. I’m open to the prospect of a hairy girlfriend, because I would respect her preferences, but I’m pretty sure it would turn me off.

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